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You only get one retirement.
Make it a great one. 


We launched Endeavor Advisors with a vision of a world in which every person lives a richer life. After all, life isn’t just about pursuing wealth. It’s about pursuing purpose, and the paths to get there are infinite.

Today, We have grown to be a nationally-recognized leader in financial wellbeing. Thank you for giving us the responsibility of sitting at the crossroads of your life and your wealth. We are honored to play this role.

We look forward to many more years of partnering with you to align your wealth, passions, and purpose so that you can pursue a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life... Your richer life!

-Charles Luong and Ajay Vadukul

Image for clear vision

Clear Vision & Direction

Our advisors use their best thinking, innovative technology, and our time-tested investment philosophy to create your comprehensive financial plan. We share it with you, walk you through it, and answer all your questions before you commit to anything. When you’re ready, we put your plan into action.

We are Independent, Fee-Only, Experienced Financial Advisors

We get to know you, your goals, and your dreams. We know there’s no one-size fits-all approach to financial planning, so our small questions help us see your bigger financial picture and craft a plan that’s truly unique to you, not the market.Did you know? Our advisors have no financial incentives to recommend certain products. All advisors at Endeavor are fiduciaries, driven to help you make informed decisions on what is best for you and your family.

What many people don’t expect when they work with us — we’re human too. We’ve all made our fair share of mistakes in this world; many of these mistakes helped us become the competent advisors we are today. 

Without these lessons, we would be left referencing textbook material and subjective news commentary, and that’s no way to run a business. Our hope for every one of our clients is that after each meeting, you’ll feel more confident and rest assured that your money is here to be an engine of opportunity.

Charles Luong,               ChFEBC℠ Photo

Charles Luong, ChFEBC℠

Co-Founder/ President
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Charles Luong, ChFEBC℠

Co-Founder/ President


My passion for financial planning all began in 2008 when I saw my parents and countless others experience one of the most devastating financial crises of our time. As a son of a refugee immigrant family, I was always taught to work hard and save even harder. But I realized that just working harder and saving money did not protect my family from the pain of the great recession. I asked myself, how can make sure that I protect my family and other families from financial hardships. I started working for a large insurance planning firm in Brea, California. After working there for a couple of years, I decided that while I was in the right direction, I needed to be able to make recommendations that truly served my clients’ best interests.

Upon having this realization, I decided to leave the Insurance world and pursue a variety of positions at several financial planning practices, eventually deciding to branch off and form my own firm. Since then, I’ve worked with individuals, couples, and families of all backgrounds and ages.

Every day, I find new ways to better serve our clients. And with a team that shares the same values and vision as I do, I have no doubt Endeavor Advisors will continue to grow and make a real difference in our communities. Outside of work, I enjoy volunteering our time at several local organizations. When I am not doing that, I enjoy going to art museums and attending cooking classes.

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
I would buy a vacation house and embark on a year-long tour of Europe and Asia with my wife.

What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
At my home with my wife watching Netflix with our cats.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Live on the beach in the summer and near the mountains in the winter.

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
I’d wish for a rocket-fast metabolism, amazing memory, and perfect health.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Slow down — the faster you go, the more you miss out on.

Ajay Vadukul Photo

Ajay Vadukul

Co-Founder/ Investment Advisor Representative
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+1  (626) 346-7906

From a very young age, I was interested in the stock market. Every day, I would watch my parents read the latest stock market update and adjust their strategy accordingly. This passion led me to pursue internships at several investment practices right out of college, where I quickly learned the art and science behind making investment decisions.

While I was able to secure multiple jobs at a variety of firms after that, I was interested in creating a practice that was more in-line with my values and beliefs. I met Charles Luong, our president, and together we created Endeavor Advisors.

Since joining Endeavor, my knowledge and insight into the stock market have continued to grow and expand. A life-long learner, I am constantly reading up on the latest market changes in order to create effective investment portfolios for our clients. In my free time, I enjoy eating out with friends and catching the latest movie.

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
I would invest it all in the stock market.

What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
At the movie theater catching the latest thriller.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Living on the beach!

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
I would wish for perfect eyesight, unlimited vacation days and the ability to know which way the market is going to turn before it happens.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Live in the moment and never underestimate your value.

Hieu Luong Photo

Hieu Luong

Insurance Planning Specialist
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Hieu Luong

Insurance Planning Specialist



I’ve worked in client relations for many years, beginning as an account manager and then later transitioning to more project management-based work. Over time, I realized I am happiest when I am helping clients have the best experience possible. So, after leaving the marketing industry, I joined Endeavor to get back to my roots and establish a career that I genuinely enjoy.

Every day, I am clients’ first point-of-contact for any issues, questions or concerns they may have. My favorite part about this job is when short-term clients become long-term clients. Oftentimes, we meet clients when they’re in a pretty vulnerable position. However, over time, our advice and guidance eases their fears and alleviates their frustrations, allowing them to genuinely enjoy the experience.

In my free time, you can find me meeting friends, cooking, and traveling around the Phoenix with my wife Nguyen and our 7 children.

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
I would create a community center.

What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
At a friend’s house party or with my wife.

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Living on the beach!

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
I would wish for the house of my dreams, the ability to work from home and the option to never grow old.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Take more risks and don’t be afraid to say “no.”

At Endeavor Advisors, we’ve created a culture and atmosphere that eliminates any potential negative feelings you have about money by showing you that there’s really nothing to be afraid of. When you step foot into our office, we want you to immediately feel a sense of confidence because the minute you walk through our doors, you’re already on the fast track to living a more successful and enjoyable life.

It takes a big-picture view to be a true fiduciary. Because your Personal CFO integrates across your total balance sheet, your team is distinctly positioned to act in your best interest. Being a fiduciary is our legal responsibility, and we hold ourselves to a higher standard—that’s how we help individuals and families live a richer life.

Benefits of Working With Us

Like you, we’ve made financial mistakes too.

No one is perfect, and we don’t expect you to be either. We strive to create an open, nonjudgmental space where you can share your concerns and worries without feeling embarrassed or less than you’re worth. Every one of us understands that managing your money is a huge responsibility, and we value having the opportunity to take some of the responsibility off your shoulders.

Our goal is for you to need us less and less.

Through ongoing guidance and education, you’ll gain the confidence you need to make some of these decisions on your own. Of course, we’ll be here to guide you every step of the way, but throughout our partnership, we want to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your finances on your own as much as possible so you feel empowered to take control of your financial future.

We strive to exceed your expectations every day.

While our efforts will be focused on helping you achieve your objectives, our ultimate goal is for you to surpass them. After all, you’re investing time, money and energy into working with us, and we want to make sure you’re getting maximum value out of our relationship. Throughout our time together, we’ll be constantly looking for new ways to get you closer to where you want to be.

As a fee-only and fiduciary firm, providing you with the knowledge and resources you need to be successful is what we do best. Without commission incentives and conflicts of interests in the picture, we’re able to deliver recommendations that solely serve your best interests. There’s a lot of technical jargon in this industry, and we want to make sure the solutions we create are easy-to-understand so you can apply our insights throughout your day-to-day life.

We are firm believers that anything is possible, and whatever challenges that come up along the way simply exist to guide us in the right direction. When it comes to financial planning, you can only be so proactive. However, by putting strategic measures into place, you’re able to overcome any issues and obstacles with ease and confidence. Explore the different scenarios you might find yourself in — and the solutions we would recommend.



You need some hands-on guidance on which investment strategies are right for you.Investment Management
Accomplish your short- and long-term objectives with an investment portfolio tailored according to your unique risk profile.


You’re in the middle of your career, just started a family and have assets all over the place that need some organization. Retirement Planning
Social Security, pension, stocks and more. We’ll identify all potential sources of income so you can look forward to your life past.


You’ve recently started your own business and want to make sure you’re staying ahead of any future tax liabilities. Tax Planning
Feel confident once filing season comes around with a strategic tax planning approach that keeps your numbers in order so no detail falls through the cracks.


Now that you’re getting older, you want to review your current policies and see if others better suit your needs. Insurance Planning
Our access to some of the top providers in the country enables us to hand-pick the insurance solutions that offer the most value at a price that’s right for you.


A simple framework for our

time-tested, evidence-based investment beliefs.

Markets are efficient. Respect the evidence: it is enormously difficult to consistently “beat” the market.

Simple models outperform expert forecasts.

Use factors to improve expected returns.

Choose investment risks thoughtfully.

Avoid market timing: rebalance systematically.

Diversify meaningfully across asset classes, approaches, and geographies.  No big bets.

Costs matter; seek out low-cost investments. Only pay up for active share.

Taxes matter. Always consider tax-advantaged accounts and strategies.

Build a portfolio you can trust, then ignore the noise.

Our Disciplined Wealth Portfolios℠ are managed according to the covenants of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and adhere to four key elements: 

Strategic asset allocation as our core philosophy as opposed to a tactical or dynamic allocation approach
A commitment to broadly diversified, global portfolios with passive or passive-leaning underlying investments
Strong adherence to Nobel Prize-winning academic research that has identified certain risk "factors" for which investors might expect to earn a higher return over time
Use of low-cost underlying investments whenever possible

Let's Discuss

Our knowledge and insight into the stock market enables us to craft an investment portfolio uniquely tailored to you. Through ongoing collaboration and monitoring, our team is able to discover new avenues for you to invest your wealth and accomplish your goals. In addition to managing your investments, we’ll educate you on the rationale behind each investment decision so you’re well-versed in the logic of our approach.  

When you work with us, we will:

Identify Your Short- and Long-Term Objectives
As these objectives change, we’ll strategically adjust our approach according to the current state of the market so you continue to generate returns. 

Determine Your Optimal Risk Tolerance
Through a series of questions, we’ll pinpoint the exact amount of risk needed for you to achieve your goals and remain confident in our services. 

Follow a Timeline That’s Right For You
After outlining your objectives, we’ll design a strategy that aligns with your optimal timeline for achieving your returns.  

Whether you’re five years away from retirement or 20 years away from retirement, we’ll help guide you through the steps necessary to secure enough assets for your optimal retirement lifestyle. After evaluating your current financial situation, we’ll identify the income sources and opportunities that are most advantageous for you as you prepare for your life past employment. 

Our retirement planning services involve:

Meet and Greet

This is the time meet with one of our coaches and mutually gauge whether the client and coach can work together. If it feels like a good fit, we will partner together to reach your financial goals.

Building your financial foundation is the beginning of creating your Plan. We implement a comprehensive, process - driven approach to retirement planning. We guide our clients down the path to a better financial strategy with an analysis of goals and needs.

Our process is thorough, yet simple:

  1. Assess the readiness of our clients to retire in the future given their current lifestyle and assets.
  2. Develop strategies to get our clients closer to their goals. This process is on-going and continues throughout the lifetime of the plan.
  3. Through asset optimization we can create a financial strategy that lasts as long as you do.

Discovery Interview

We will provide you with coaching pertaining to your situation. In our Discovery Interview, we will gather data and identify your current financial situation and examine your philosophy, attitude and behavior in handling your money. 

We will help you prioritize where your money should be going.

Feasibility Study

In our Feasibility Study we will see which recommendations make sense and implement our agreed upon strategies. 

You will be receiving the following reports:

  • Social Security Timing Report
  • Tax Clarity Report
  • Portfolio Diagnostic Report
  • Portfolio Cost Analysis Report
  • Lifetime Analyzer

Once we input your data into the Emoney Software, we get a 360° view of your current situation. It helps layout where you are today and what your future may look like. We can then make adjustments to lead you toward your financial goals. In the asset optimizer phase, we bring all your non-qualified assets together to create a tax efficient plan for your future.

Portfolio Diagnostic Report

The Portfolio Diagnostic measures your current investment information. The purpose of this personalized Portfolio Diagnostic is to help you understand how various mixes or styles of investment portfolios may have performed in the past.

The Plan

We then complete a written plan of action and create your own personalized financial strategy. Every year, we will notify you that your annual review is approaching. It is important to meet and make adjustments as needed. The objective is to keep your plan on-track and in alignment with your goals.

Remember, your financial strategy is a movie and not a snapshot. It is always changing. Therefore, we are committed to your long-term success and want you to create a life that you love.

You don’t have a choice about paying taxes, but you can avoid making the mistake of overpaying them. While it’s hard to imagine anyone intentionally paying too much in taxes, the IRS estimates that more than one billion dollars is overpaid in taxes each year. That’s no surprise when tax laws change every year—even in years when no major tax legislation is enacted.

How much of that money is yours? Wouldn’t you rather see those funds in your bank account or put aside for your retirement or other financial goals?

Do you want to reduce your tax burden? Do you want to increase your assets? We can help!

We specialize in personal income tax preparation and planning and will identify the tax-saving approaches that apply to your situation. We work with you throughout the year, not just when it’s time to prepare your return.

Do you want to find out how you can reduce your tax burden?

You might be able to save on taxes by:

  • Restructuring your investment portfolio to produce a higher after-tax return
  • Shifting income to dependents in a lower tax bracket
  • Claiming appropriate home office deductions
  • Maximizing qualified plan and IRA contributions
  • Identifying all the deductions that apply to your small business

If you’re like most people, your taxes represent one of your largest annual expenses, yet often little or no planning is done to minimize your tax bill. Careful tax preparation and planning can free up money that you can use to achieve your goals. As personal income tax specialists, we will help you aggressively pursue every deduction you are lawfully entitled to.

Would you worry less if you had more money to save toward your goals? Discover how much more money you could be keeping for yourself and your future. Contact us today for a no-cost review of your prior three years’ tax returns.

It’s not how much you make in life, it's how much you keep. Insurance is crucial, no financial plan can be complete without considering the risk of loss. Insurance products are specifically designed to mitigate the many risks we all encounter in life. As experienced professionals in evaluating insurance needs and products, we help design and implement insurance policies that suit each individual’s needs. 


At its core, insurance shifts your risk to others. You purchase insurance to protect yourself from an unlikely financial loss you cannot afford to sustain. Insurance spreads pooled risk among all those insured. As a necessary risk management tool, insurance by its nature costs more than it pays in benefits. You should have the right coverage which is neither too little nor too much.

You’ve worked hard to provide for your family and build your wealth, so it’s important to make sure you’re protected when life’s unexpected events occur. This is where proper insurance planning and risk management come into play. This is a critical component of any comprehensive financial plan.

Do you want to find out how you can properly protect your loved ones and property?

·        Disability/Income replacement

·        Premature Death (life insurance)

·        Illness (long term care and health insurance)

·        Auto/Home and Umbrella Liability insurance

·        Specialty insurance for business owners

·        Estate and Trust Services

Would you worry less if you had more money to save toward your goals and more coverage on your insurance policies? Discover how much more money you could be keeping for yourself by shopping around different carriers . Contact us today for a no-cost review of your current insurance policies.

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You can also contact us here. While every conversation is different, you should expect to cover some general information and get a sense of what it’s like to collaborate with us.